You'll go back to whatever meaningless life that you have at the moment, knowing you could be doing more.Here's the part that sucks my friend...
Once you've identified that you are purposeless,
it will be even more painful to live with that knowledge.
You will wish you had never stumbled across self development, and it will eat you up inside.
It will be extremely painful if you attempt to fit back in to the mainstream.
So unfortunately for you,
there is no turning back now!, you know too much!If you are reading this, there is a part of you that knows there is more potential hidden inside of you,
that you are currently not utilizing. Otherwise you wouldn't have read this far.You've probably already wasted thousands of dollars studying a formal education on something you're not even passionate about.
Or maybe you're in something that you were once interested in, but the passion is no longer there.
How much more time and money do you want to waste fumbling around?
Ideally none!
But seriously it's up to you...
Your life will be a pile of turds unless you make it otherwise.Live with purpose
or settle for mediocrity,
it's your choice.So what's it going to be?You've already tried other ways and tried to work this out on your own.How's that working out for you?If you could have done it on your own,
wouldn't you have done it by now already?Aren't you sick of waiting to find your "more"?Aren't you frustrated that it has been this way for months?If you have spent more than
6 months trying to work this out, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!You can't just watch YouTube videos and read books, and expect to have a deep understand of yourself.Information alone is never enough!Look, It's Time To Step Up!It's time to discover who you really are and what you're capable of."I don't want your money,
I want your commitment.I believe that you can do this!So Let's Go!